Monday, February 20, 2012

Obligatory pictures of my apartment

Here is our living room area - sorry it's kind of dark

On the other side of the living room is the dining area

Why, yes, my bedroom is pepto bismol pink. It sort of glows in the dark. But I still like it.

Our tiny kitchen where everything is miniature and you have to light the stove with a match. You might think that this is inconvenient, but I love it.

Today I rode the metro by myself for the first time and I felt really cool because I didn't have my roommates with me to speak English to, so for all anyone knew, I was just another French person. Also, I used my nifty new Passe Navigo, so I could just swipe it to get in instead of fumbling with all of my metro tickets.

I have my first class, History of Europe, today at 2. I'm hoping the improvement of French speaking skills will commence with the start of classes.

1 comment:

  1. Salut, Mary!

    Franca here, AKA Christine Cuccia, your cousin once removed on your Mom's side. You can blame her for divulging your blog on Facebook.

    I am jumping out of my seat with excitement for you. I spent the summer of '84 waiting tables in Brussels and failing miserably at improving my French. Brussels sure as enfer wasn't Paris but the experience has informed my life ever since. Good or bad or ugly, Paris will play that role in yours. Change is good. It's the only this we can count on! My one bit of advice would be to make like a sponge and absorb as much as you can.

    If you haven't already, you may want to check out Clotilde is a Parisian who started this food blog when she was a software engineer in Silicon Valley. She's back in Paris and blogs full time. C+Z is posted in French and English (in which she writes better than I do. C'est injuste!).

    Okay ... hurry up with your next post, will you? People are waiting ...

    Amicalement, ta cousine Christine
