Sunday, April 8, 2012

I got to spend Easter weekend with my good friend Hallie who came to visit from Florence

On Saturday we went for a walk in the Jardin des Plantes and then went to the Grand Mosquée de Paris and had mint tea and north African pastries

 All of the beautiful colors and patterns in the tea room at the mosque, along with the birds flying around inside made for a perfect atmosphere

Today we went out for an amazing Easter brunch, and I went to an exhibition at the Grand Palais. It's the first "major" holiday that I haven't spent with family, so I was really happy to be able to spend it with close friends.

 Also: on Friday I took a cooking class where I learned to make traditional French baguettes and another kind of bread called a fougasse. I brought my bread home and Hallie and my roommates and I took it to the park down the street from my apartment and devoured it. So now that I'm an expert, I'll make for everyone back in the States.


  1. I am expecting French baguettes when you come home. Hahahaha. That Easter brunch you had looks soooo goooodddd

  2. you couldn't pick any less awkward pictures of me? my fault. hah

  3. We have it in writing (so to speak). Robin, bake-off at chez Bradford? I'll take the delicacy on the lower right, s'il te plaît.

    And ... I hear the hamman at the Mosque de Paris is a must-do. Or so I've been told.
