Monday, March 19, 2012


What is a girl like me to do on a gloomy Sunday afternoon? Why, hang out in a cemetery, of course! I didn't look for any of the famous graves, but rather wandered aimlessly, as I am wont to do. At one point a guy who worked there stopped his car as he was passing and asked me what I was looking for. "Nothing, in fact," I replied, and he gave me an odd and slightly amused look and continued on his way. Is it not normal to wander around a cemetery for no reason at all?

I love how each mausoleum door is unique

 I don't know if you can see him in this picture but I made the acquaintance of a graveyard cat. He ran away before we could really get to know each other.

There's that Eiffel Tower again

On the way home I found myself in the middle of a rally for a candidate in the presidential election. Makes me wish I knew more about French politics.


  1. That kitty kinda looks like Buster!

  2. Like mother, like daughter. Beautiful pictures.
