For our last trip out of Paris, we decided to go on a day trip to Normandy. We had our train tickets from Paris and back, but other than that we really didn't have anything planned out. We got a train from the city of Caen to Bayeux (I realize now that we could have gotten a train straight from Paris to Bayeux, but you live and you learn I suppose) and then we took a bus to the American Cemetery and Omaha Beach. Now before you go thinking we are totally unorganized and incompetent, I'll have you know that we looked up all the bus and train times and we knew when we had to get the last bus back to Bayeux (in order to get the last train back to Caen, to get the last train back to Paris). Unfortunately, after walking along the beach a ways, instead of turning back and going back the way we came, we decided that it would be a good idea to try and make some kind of loop to get back to the bus stop at the cemetery, which happened to be a little further away than we thought. Long story short, some incorrect directions, a different bus stop where the bus stopped running to an hour ago, some frantic power walking along unknown roads, some failed attempts to flag down passing cars, lots of watch-checking, eventual resignation to defeat, a turned corner and a spotted bus stop, and some hysterical running later, we got to the bus stop just minutes before the last bus came, and made it safely back to Paris in time to get some falafel.

This, by the way, was after a friend of ours went on a day trip to Normandy two weeks ago and actually did get stranded and had to spend the night there. You might think we would learn from her experience and plan ahead better. Of course not!
Now, despite that little snafu, the American Cemetery and the beach were beautiful, sobering, and very cool indeed.
Katie's grandfather was one of the soldiers that landed on the beach.
It was so peaceful, it was hard to imagine what it was like there 68 years ago, almost to the day.